What are the reasons for traveling to Zimbabwe? Is it worth visiting Zimbabwe?

What are the reasons for traveling to Zimbabwe? Is it worth visiting Zimbabwe?

If we want to visit a destination, which is wild, extraordinary, and truly atypical, it's completely natural to turn our attention to Zimbabwe. This African country is often overlooked, but if you're wondering what are the reasons for traveling to Zimbabwe, we're here to provide the answer for you.

Zimbabwe may be perceived as an offbeat destination for any tourist, but touristsinsider.com's job is to show you that it has a lot to offer. Is Zimbabwe worth visiting? We look forward to hearing your thoughts after reading this piece.

Top things to do in Zimbabwe

When talking about Zimbabwe and the main reasons, which showcase that a trip there will absolutely be worth it, we can pinpoint quite a few without hesitation.

Keep reading to see the top things to do while in Zimbabwe, according to touristsinsider.com:

Explore Harare


Harare, being the capital of Zimbabwe, is a must-visit destination when planning a trip to the country. It stands out as the cultural hub of the entire country and can present interesting places, taking you on a journey in order to explore the state’s culture and history. We recommend you give it a few days.

Immerse yourself in a safari experience


When we speak about a trip to Africa, the first association that comes to mind is related to safaris. We've all seen what a safari in the wild looks like and there are no two opinions on what an adventurous and beautiful experience it would be, so don't miss out on it when you find yourself in Zimbabwe.

Take a trip to Victoria Falls


Definitely one of the must-visit places when traveling to Zimbabwe is the Victoria Falls. These majestic masses of water will take your breath away and will definitely captivate your senses. There are many ways to visit them, and it is best to be accompanied by local guides who can help you choose a pleasant itinerary, as well as present you with additional information.

See Bulawayo and the surroundings


Bulawayo can hardly be out of your sight since the city is the second largest in Zimbabwe. We strongly recommend paying a visit because there you can find many different types of attractions, historical monuments, and museums to help you truly understand the lifestyle and culture of the Zimbabwean people.

Set aside at least a few days and wander around the local ruins or visit the railway museum. Whichever you choose, you can’t go wrong.

Try the Bushtracks express


The most curious and luxurious experience you can present yourself within Zimbabwe is riding the Bushtracks express. This breathtaking and fully equipped train will take you through various beautiful areas and give you the opportunity to enjoy them exclusively while you ride. So if you have the time, definitely book a trip with it.

Go hiking


Climbing and trekking enthusiasts won’t be left unsatisfied if they head over to Zimbabwe. There is no shortage of options for such experiences and the landscape is more than suitable for hiking purposes. Zimbabwe will provide you with different emotions and opportunities in mountains, waterfalls, rock formations, and much more.

Visit Hwange National Park


As you are traveling from Victoria Falls to the Bulawayo area, stop off at Hwange, Zimbabwe's largest nature reserve. It covers a massive 14 500 km of space and is home to a number of elephants. There's no way you won't be impressed by the park's diversity and colorfulness, so don't overlook it and explore carefully.

When should you visit Zimbabwe?

We recommend you visit Zimbabwe between July and October, which is the best time to tour the country.

In the remaining months, you run the risk of adverse temperatures or heavy rain, which is also true for all countries in this part of the world. So, stick to this time of year, which meteorologists describe as the mildest and most pleasant.

Is Zimbabwe safe in 2022?

In most parts of the country, you can count on security. Of course, the tourist areas are suitable for visitors, but you should still be extremely careful since acts of crime in Zimbabwe are no exception. Guard your belongings carefully and don't bring valuables on your holiday in Zimbabwe.

Is it expensive in Zimbabwe?

Prices in Zimbabwe for tourists are quite acceptable. Zimbabwe can’t be classified as the cheapest of African destinations. However, it's by no means expensive, so don't worry when arranging your holiday in this African state.

The food and accommodation are perfectly affordable. The plane tickets may be the ones to cost you a lot of money, but it's certainly worth leaving your comfort zone in order to explore such an off-the-radar place.

8 things to know before going to Zimbabwe

Even if you have no doubt that a visit to Zimbabwe is worthwhile, you should also be aware that the country has its own specific rhythm of life and culture, which all tourists should be aware of out of respect for the place and the people they are visiting.

That's why touristsinsider.com has prepared a list of eight key pieces of information you should keep in mind before planning your trip to Zimbabwe. Here they are:

  • Language - In Zimbabwe, you won't have any difficulty when communicating with the locals, so don't worry. They speak English
  • Malaria - Some areas of Zimbabwe may surprise you with malaria, so be prepared with a vaccine or medication and avoid these places if possible
  • Cash - Do not take your money out in public. This is not generally accepted in Africa, especially if the currency is euros or dollars
  • Currency - In Zimbabwe, you should use dollars since they will be accepted throughout the country. Be prepared with enough small cash
  • Photos - avoid taking photos of local people. If you do, ask permission in advance
  • Dresscode - avoid wearing clothing, which can be likened to a military outfit or is in camouflage color. This is not accepted in Zimbabwe and can get you into trouble
  • Places - Ask which less popular places in Zimbabwe you can visit and be sure they are safe, of course
  • Visa - If you are also planning on visiting countries around Zimbabwe, you can check what the visa requirements are and whether you need one

Top places to stay in Zimbabwe

When it's time to look for a place to stay, you shouldn't worry about being in an African country.
You can find many great and luxurious hotels in Zimbabwe, as well as affordable ones. This is exactly one of the reasons why traveling to Zimbabwe is a good idea.

Check out these five places that will make your stay a memorable one:

1. Shongwe Lookout

For those of you looking for something within walking distance of Victoria Falls, you can't go wrong with Shongwe Lookout. The place offers everything you need for a great stay and will no doubt pleasantly surprise you with its price range.

  Agoda Expedia
Pricing Starting at €138 Starting at €147
Rating 9.3/10 4.8/5

2. Ilala Lodge Hotel

Exotic, beautiful, and unforgettable - this is what your stay at Ilala Lodge Hotel will be like. The hotel comes with private parking, internet, and uniquely enticing places for an afternoon coffee or tea. What more does a person need after a tiring walk?

  Agoda Expedia
Pricing Starting at €319 Starting at €319
Rating 9.3/10 4.5/5

3. Cresta Lodge Harare

Tranquility and relaxation are possible in Zimbabwe if you choose Cresta Lodge Harare. Great views, space to relax and free internet are extras that no one would complain about. This makes the place a great choice for anyone traveling to Harare.

  Agoda Expedia
Pricing Starting at €118 Starting at €132
Rating 8.2/10 4.1/5

4. Bulawayo Rainbow Hotel

Bulawayo Rainbow Hotel is a great budget option for people who want to find out more about Zimbabwe without spending a lot on accommodations. The hotel has a great location and allows for airport transfers.

  Agoda Expedia
Pricing Starting at €88 Starting at €69
Rating 8.4/10 3.9/5

5. Victoria Falls Safari Club


If you're looking for an exclusive experience,  Victoria Falls Safari Club can provide it without a doubt. The place has all the luxuries that will satisfy your senses and make you remember Zimbabwe in the best possible way. Don't miss out on this opportunity.

  Agoda Expedia
Pricing Starting at €634 Starting at €629
Rating 9.5/10 4.8/5

Frequently Asked Questions about Zimbabwe

Q: How do you travel around Zimbabwe?

A: There are a number of ways to get around in Zimbabwe, but the most preferred is by bus, as well as by walking. These cheap transport options provide the opportunity to easily get around.

Q: Is Zimbabwe a suitable destination for tourists?

A: Zimbabwe is not the most popular tourist destination in Africa, but it is still known for its fantastic scenery and openness to tourists. This makes the country very suitable for travelers.

Q: What are the best dishes in Zimbabwe?

A: Zimbabwean cuisine is interesting and varied. Try the most popular dishes there including maize meal, porridge, and yams - you won’t be left disappointed.

Q: Where should I fly to in Zimbabwe?

A: The main airports in Zimbabwe are located in the main cities, which are most visited by tourists: Harare, Bulawayo, and Victoria. Whichever of these you choose, you can easily get around to the other cities.

Jump into the wilderness

Zimbabwe is an extremely colorful country that is worth a visit for true adventurers and lovers of African culture. Immerse yourself in the depths of the African continent and feel the emotion that flows through every town and place there. Look no further for reasons and opt for Zimbabwe for your next trip.

After enjoying the cultural enrichment, presented by Zimbabwe, you may wish to indulge yourself in relaxation at one of the popular spots around. This part of the world definitely has a variety of options for fun and relaxation. What all countries have in common are the characteristics of the climate and positivity that can be found everywhere.


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