Is it worth visiting Buenos Aires (Top Reasons for visiting the capital of Argentina)?

Is it worth visiting Buenos Aires (Top Reasons for visiting the capital of Argentina)?

Without any doubt, Buenos Aires is one of the most preferred tourist destinations in Argentina. The capital of the country really shines over other traveling locations, why is that, probably because of the great combination of South American culture, but also some European styles and habits, like the music, or specific dishes served in the restaurants in Buenos Aires. 

Overall, we can say that Buenos Aires is more than worth visiting, also because of the modern architecture of the city, the popular beach of the city, the South American traditions, and many more. So, we from, are going to jump deeper into why Buenos Aires is worth visiting, by giving you some more details about the top reasons for traveling to the capital of Argentina.

Why Buenos Aires is a top destination for tourists?

Well, as we already mentioned, Buenos Aires is one of the top destinations for tourists from all over the world. To help you realize that, and hopefully make you visit that magical place, we from the team of, are going to give you some of the best reasons, why visit the capital of Argentina. 

Incredibly delicious food


One of the top reasons, which alone makes Buenos Aires worth visiting, is the delicious food that is served in any restaurant. Not only that, but the food is incredible even in the food stands. In Buenos Aires, you can taste the best steaks, and as the Italian inheritance in Buenos Aires, you can get a traditional Italian pizza, or pasta, either by going to an Italian restaurant or in the streets, where many Italian stands are waiting for you.

The culture is still alive


Buenos Aires is one of those cities, in which the culture is not gone. In the capital of Argentina, you can visit hundreds of museums, and enjoy plays in theaters. Buenos Aires is home to one of the best theatres in the world, as well you can visit Ateneo Grand Splendid, which happens to be one of the most charming bookstores in the whole world. The culture is overflowing in Buenos Aires, you can even see it in the streets, apart from in the many galleries and museums, operas, theatres…

Creativity is the spirit of Buenos Aires 

 Street Creativity

As soon as you go to Buenos Aires, you will spot that in the streets there are loads of people singing, playing musical instruments, or just performing any plays, which is because Buenos Aires supports creativity, and every person who is willing to show its talent, is free to do it, even by going to any of the theatres. Of course, when you look at it from a professional way, it is not that good, but just as a tourist, it is completely incredible how all people want to show the things that they love the most. 



If you love partying, and having fun with your friends by going to different bars, nightclubs, or underground sports, Buenos Aires is the best place for you. The capital of Argentina is known as the city that never sleeps. Basically, if you go out late, prepare to party all night, until the sun rises up. 

Parks and Charming places

 Charming Places

Buenos Aires is also known to have one of the best open places and parks, where you can take a break and enjoy the incredible nature and climate of the city. You can even go to the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve, which is the biggest green space in Buenos Aires.

Is it worth visiting Buenos Aires?

 Pink House Buenos Aires

If we still did not manage to make you go to Buenos Aires, do not worry, the city offers a lot more. So, we are going to list some of the additional reasons why you have to visit the capital of Argentina.

  • Fashion Weeks,
  • Luxurious Boutique Hotels,
  • One of the best Steak and Wine places,
  • Very addicted to coffee culture,
  • Dance tango in its country of origin,
  • Visit the leading city for fashion in Argentina,
  • Make new connections with friendly people.

Is it expensive to visit Buenos Aires?

Visiting Buenos Aires may be either cheap or expensive, basically, everything depends on what your budget is and what your expectations are. Compared to visiting other Sout American countries, visiting Buenos Aires is more expensive, but compared to other top traveling destinations, Buenos Aires is cheaper. 

On average, a one-week trip to Buenos Aires is about $1,500 for one tourist, and for a couple, the price is about $2,500. When it comes to hotel expenses, you can easily find a hotel for as low as $25, or in case you want something more luxurious, you can hit about $300. 

Is it safe to visit Buenos Aires?

Overall, if you are worried about the safety of Buenos Aires, the only thing that you have to know is that the capital of Argentina is considered one of the safest places for tourists in South America. Of course, as for everywhere else in the world, you will have to be careful when you are around crowded places, waiting for a bus, inside buses, etc. 

Which are the best hotels in Buenos Aires?

If you are following our website,, you probably know that we always love to give you some top options for hotels. And today, we are not going to make an exception, but give you some of the tops offers to stay at when you go to Buenos Aires. We are going to give you both budget-friendly, and more luxurious ones as well.

Che Juan Hostel BA


The first option that we have for you, is the Che Juan Hoste BA, which is one of the budget-friendly options for staying in Buenos Aires.

  • Price: Starting at 34 € per day,
  • Rating: 9.6/10.

Luxury Loft Puerto Madero


The Luxury Loft Puerto Madero hotel is one of the most luxurious places in Buenos Aires, which has an incredibly high rating from customers, and also offers an incredible experience if you go there. 

  • Price: Starting at 136 € per day,
  • Rating: 9.5/10.

Andiamo Guest House


The Andiamo Guest House is one of the best options for tourists, who want to feel the spirit of living in Buenos Aires. This is a private house, offered by locals, who kept their tradition and style of living so that you can experience that.

  • Price: Starting at 21 € per day,
  • Rating: 9.7/10.

Modern & New Loft Puerto Madero


We just cannot even explain how magical that place is. The Modern & New Loft Puerto Madero is one of the best hotels that you can stay at in the capital of Argentina.

  • Price: Starting at 127 € per day,
  • Rating: 9.4/10.

Alvear Palace Hotel


Last, but not least, is the Alvear Palace Hotel, which is today’s most luxurious place that we want to show you. The quality of service and the overall atmosphere, when you go there is magical. The prices are a little bit higher but definitely worth it.

  • Price: Starting at 277 € per day,
  • Rating: 9.5/10.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why visit Buenos Aires?

A: Visiting Buenos Aires has a lot of advantages, you can experience the amazing South American culture, taste the delicious food, including the best steak, and from the Italian heritage, get traditional Italian pasta or pizza. And those are just a few of the reasons to visit the capital of Argentina.

Q: Is it safe to visit Buenos Aires?

A: Buenos Aires is considered one of the safest places for visitors in South America. Of course, that does not mean that you should not be careful when being in crowds, or in buses.

Q: How much money does it cost to visit Buenos Aires?

A: Compared to other South American cities, Buenos Aires is a little bit more expensive, but compared to other travel destinations, the capital of Argentina, is considered a cheaper one. You can literally go on a 7-day trip to Argentina for about 1,500 $ individually, or for about 2,500 $ as a couple.

In Summary for visiting Buenos Aires

So, let’s sum up, the fact that Buenos Aires has one of the best theatres, operas, and museums, so that the culture is still alive, as well that the capital of Argentina has one of the best steaks, and very delicious foods at all, makes it a top destination for tourists. And if that is not enough for making you visit that incredible city, you are welcome to get back to this article and see more about why Buenos Aires is a top destination for tourists, or just book your stay in Buenos Aires and see it with your own eyes.  


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