Is it safe to visit Rio de Janeiro? What do you need to know before visiting Rio de Janeiro?

Is it safe to visit Rio de Janeiro? What do you need to know before visiting Rio de Janeiro?

Without any doubt, Rio de Janeiro is one of the most wonderful cities on the planet. However, no matter that it is one of the most beautiful places on earth, it can be one of the most dangerous ones, mainly because of the high percentage of crimes, which the drug lords and people who have huge influence made crime the main source of income for the city. But, luckily, if you follow some simple safety tips, you won’t have any problems with visiting Rio de Janeiro. In today’s in-depth guide, we from, are going to give you all the information about how to be safe if you want to visit Rio, also why the city is that wonderful, is it expensive, and even we are going to give you some suggestions of which hotel to stay at Rio de Janeiro. So, let’s jump straight to it.

Why you should visit Rio de Janeiro at least once in your lifetime?

No matter if you are a passionate traveling lover, or just visit some other places from time to time, you should probably visit Rio de Janeiro at least during your life. Actually, the city is wonderful, not only because of the incredible beaches of Rio but because of the historical relics, as well as the natural wonders. Of course, in Rio, you can safely visit favelas, contradictory to the fact that the city is not one of the safest ones. The fact that the majority of the people in Rio are friendly, is also surprising, considering the fact that Rio is considered a dangerous place. Well, that’s only in certain areas, which if you avoid, you not only will not face any problems, but also people are going to be very nice and friendly to you. 


Is it dangerous to visit Rio de Janeiro?

Well, you probably already know that Rio de Janeiro is not one of the safest cities, mainly because of the increased crimes, and drug lords, which have a big influence over the city. Luckily, you can easily avoid all troubles that you may face, just by not going to certain areas, and remember the safety tips that we are going to list to you just now.

Safety tips for visiting Rio

If you remember those tips, we guarantee you that you will manage to maximize your safety during your stay in Rio de Janeiro, so be sure to keep them in mind and never underestimate any of them.

Pickpocketing: Very High Risk

One of the biggest risks when you go to Rio de Janeiro, is something that you should be careful of no matter where you travel, pickpocketing. Unfortunately, in Rio, the risk for pickpocketing is quite higher, as the number of criminals is higher than in other countries. For those criminals, the best places for stealing are beaches, where people usually leave their stuff often, crowded places, bus stations, and buses themselves. 

Taxi and Transport: Medium Risk 

If you go to Rio de Janeiro, we highly advise you to avoid any other transport, but the metro. The metro is considered a safe way for traveling inside Rio, whereas you already know that buses and bus stations are risky, because of the pickpocketing risk. 

Kidnapping: High Risk at Night

The risks for kidnapping and mugging during the night are extremely high, especially at night. The risk is high if you use public transport or just go alone. So, we highly advise you never to go outside at night, or just use your own car, if you have one, otherwise, just stay at your hotel.

Terrorism: Low Risk

When it comes to terrorism in Rio, you basically have nothing to worry about. 

Scams: High Risk

One of the biggest threads, when you go to Rio de Janeiro, is scams. Criminals in the city have a lot of experience with that, and usually, ATMs’s the beach or in crowded places are perfect for that kind of action. So, you should be very careful and never take a lot of cash with you, also avoid using ATMs as much as possible. 

Women in Rio: Low Risk

Many women are scared about going to Rio, as women are usually victims of mugging and kidnapping. But, actually, that’s not true. If you are a woman and want to go to Rio, there is no danger for you. 

Favelas: Depends

The popular favelas of Rio de Janeiro, are the biggest threats in the city. Well, if you do not know which ones to avoid. Basically, if you avoid two favelas, you should not have any problems when you go to the iconic city. Those favelas are the Rocihna and the Mimosa. No matter whether they are the most popular ones, they are usually perfect for drug dealers. Well, to minimize any risks, we suggest you avoid all the neighbors of those two favelas. 

Well, all that applies to favelas at night, during the day, the favelas are visited by millions of visitors. many of you may think that favelas are the poorest areas in Rio, but actually, they have a pretty high standard of living. They have schools, and banks and people there live a good life, which is not worse than people's lives in other areas. 

Places that you must see when you go to Rio de Janeiro?

And now, after you know more about the risks of visiting Rio de Janeiro, and how to avoid them fully, let’s jump to the positive side of going to Rio. Well, the benefits of visiting the city are quite more and worth it. To help you see that, we're going to list some of the major reasons why you should go see Rio de Janeiro at least once in your life.  

The Favelas


As favelas may be one of the most dangerous places in Rio, they are actually one of the top areas for visitors during the whole year. Most of you believe that the favelas are poor and the standard of living is low, but actually, that’s not quite true. The favelas are normal areas, with schools, banks, and other major buildings which improve life. But also, their structure, which you probably already heard, of as “stacked” houses, built over other houses, is incredible. So, people from all over the world want to see that beauty. If you use some of the locals to guide you, you can be completely safe, even during the night.

Christ the Redeemer


Of course, Christ the Redeemer is the most popular location in Rio de Janeiro. The statue of Christ, which is one of the 7 wonders of the world, is a top location for millions of people already. Christ the Redeemer is 38 meters high, over a mountain of 700 meters, which rises the statue over Rio. Well, you probably already know a lot about the statue.

Stunning Beaches


One of the reasons, why millions of people are visiting Rio de Janeiro is because of the stunning coastlines that it has. You probably heard of Copacabana, which is one of the most visited neighbors in Rio, that has an incredible beach, popular for its huge parties. 

Incredible Views 


Well, as you can imagine, the views in Rio are just stunning. That applies not only when you go to Christ the Redeemer, but wherever you are. You can see amazing views of mountains, coastlines, favelas, and many more. The thing is, that we just cannot explain how incredible the views in Rio actually are. You should see it with your own eyes. 

Is it expensive to visit Rio?

It is not surprising that visiting Rio may be either expensive or very cheap, depending on where you want to stay and what you want to do. But, the average amount for a 7-day trip to Rio is about 1 800 euros, which means about 257 euros per day. Of course, if you are on a budget, you can spend a lot less than that. The hotels in Rio range from about 15 euros to about 300 per night, for one person. So, if you are on a budget, you can save a lot by staying in a cheaper hotel.

Best places to stay in Rio de Janeiro?

As usual, we from, are going to give you some good suggestions about good hotels in Rio, so that you can choose easier. 

The Place Leblon


The Place Leblon is a private apartment, which can handle up to 6 guests. The apartment is amazing and is perfect for you and our family, or friends. The views are incredible, and the prices are affordable.

  • Price: 235 € for the whole place,
  • Rating: 9.8/ 10.

Ibis Copacabana Posto 5*


One of the 5-star hotels in Rio is the Ibis Copacabana Posto. The luxurious place is perfect for a good vacation, full of enjoyment and parties on the incredible coastline of Copacabana. 

  • Price: Starting at 85 € per night,
  • Rating: 8.4/ 10.

Quarto Privativo em Condominio


We just cannot explain how good Quarto Privativo em Condominio is. This is one of the most preferred hotels by tourists, and there is a huge reason for that. The hotel is quite good, the service is perfect and the comfort is on a very high level.

  • Price: Starting at 22 € per night,
  • Rating: 9.5/10

Surf Club Longboard Paradise Hostel


And last but not least, the Surf Club Longboard Paradise Hostel is another very preferred location for tourists from all over the world. The prices are very affordable and the comfort is very high. The views and location are incredible.

  • Price: Starting at 25 € per night,
  • Rating: 9.6/10.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it safe to visit Rio de Janeiro?

A: No matter that Rio de Janeiro is considered a risky location for tourism, if you follow our tips for safety, and avoid some areas, there will be no danger for you.

Q: Is it safe to visit Rio de Janeiro as a woman?

A: Yes, Rio de Janeiro reported that tourism for women is completely safe. Of course, you will again have to follow our tips for safety.

Q: Which favelas are the most dangerous ones?

A: Without any doubt, the most dangerous favelas are the Rocihna and the Mimosa, but, which still remain one of the most visited places in Rio. The reason for that is because they are safe, unless you go alone at the night, and be not careful in there.

Q: Is it expensive to visit Rio de Janeiro?

A: To visit Rio de Janeiro can be either very cheap or very expensive. The average price for a 7-day trip to Rio is just 1 800 euros.

In Conclusion for traveling to Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is probably not one of the safest places in the world. But, its beauty must be seen at least once in your life. The majestic Christ the Redeemer that stands above the whole area of Rio should be seen. Also, Rio has one of the most beautiful coastlines, which accepts millions of people every year. Of course, to make your journey to Rio safer, you simply have to follow our tips for minimizing any risk. Just to conclude those safety tips, remember to never go alone at night, never go to favelas if you are not prepared, and avoid carrying a lot of cash on you, which also applies to jewelry. 


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